Friday Free Fiction for 19th September

The world of finance may be in a flux, but there’s no shortage of free fiction flooding through the marketplace. Thrifty science fiction readers, get clicking!


Just the one from Manybooks, an Uncanny Tales anthology from 1916.


Feedbooks have been on a little Mary Robinette Kowal binge:

And they’ve a couple of titles for Doctor Who fen, also:


Via SF Signal, more classic shorts at the bizarrely-named Munseys:


Aussie pop-sci outpost COSMOS Magazine has published “Micro Expressions” by Stephen Gaskell.


This week’s red-letter free-fiction announcement (in my humble opinion) is issue #6 of the irregular sf webzine Flurb, as curated by the endearingly oddball Rudy Rucker. In this issue, we have some Futurismic favourites among the new names:


This week’s offering at Strange Horizons: “Cowboy Angel (part 1 of 2)” by Samantha Cope


Some topical Alaskan political sf courtesy of Gordon van Gelder at F&SF:

…in the meantime, all the recent light cast on the political scene in Alaska (compliments of the nomination of the state’s governor for Republican V.P.), we’ve gotten permission to reprint George Guthridge‘s “Nine Whispered Opinions Regarding the Alaskan Secession” for a month. This story first appeared in our July 2004 All-American issue. It will only be on our site until October 20, 2008.


Mind you don’t cut yourself on Jayme Lyn Blaschke‘s 24th sliver of Memory.


Subterranean Online has a timely reminder

… that we’re in the homestretch for Mike Resnick’s companion novella to his multi-award winning Kirinyaga series of stories. We think Kilimanjaro stands proudly with those earlier stories.


Paul McAuley has posted up the second chapter of his new novel The Quiet War for you to read. I finished the book a few weeks ago, and I think it’s well worth your time, but go take a taste and decide for yourself.


Via John Joseph Adams, Shimmer Magazine is getting into the spirit of International Talk Like A Pirate Day:

In honor of this most glorious holiday, Shimmer is making the electronic edition of the Pirate Issue freely available, for September 19th only.

Won’t you help us spread the word? Free pirate booty, there for the taking!

Wired’s GeekDad blog is in on the act as well; they’ve got a sample story from the forthcoming anthology of piratical fiction from the ever-prolific VanderMeers:

… top of my list so far has been Boojum, by Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette.  And, as a special bonus for GeekDad readers [and anyone else, I guess], the publisher [Night Shade Books] has agreed to make this story available as an exclusive [pdf] download.


Thanks to the tireless SF Signal gang for spotting this one; Antipodean SF is up to issue number 124, which is a pretty impressive run. There’s a big old bunch of stories to be found there, too.


A brief message from Ben Rawluk:

A flash fiction piece I wrote is available [over at]; it’s called “Phone System World“.


And finally, some Friday Flash Fiction:


And that’s it for another week, free fiction fans. I’m off to dose the heck out of the head-cold I seem to have acquired; in the meantime, keep your tip-offs and plugs coming in, and have a great weekend!