All is quiet on the blogosphere… at least until tomorrow, when the States have recovered from Thanksgiving, I expect! Still, in the meantime here’s some free fiction to keep you busy until the bloggers get their engines cranked back up to speed.
There’s nothing from the big two this week, so let’s get straight to the webzines:
Afterburn SF presents “Gliese 581” by Lee Gimenez.
News from Paolo Bacigalupi:
Thanks to Lou Anders at PYR Books, my short story “The Gambler” which appeared in the original anthology Fast Forward 2 is now available online for free reading at PYR’s website.
A great story by a great writer in a great anthology. If you follow just one link from this week’s Friday Free Fiction, let it be this one.
Strange Horizons presents “Up In the Air” by Richard Larson
*** presents The Buried Pyramid by Jane Lindskold. (Download for registered users only, but that don’t cost you nuthin’, mister.)
COSMOS Magazine presents “Loop” by Peter J Bentley – “Being ‘born again’ and having the opportunity to live your life all over again sounds like a great idea – until it actually happens.”
Electric Velocipede presents “Season of the Long Now” by Robert J Howe
A handful via SF Signal, without whom we’d miss a great deal:
- Dragon Moon Press has several of its novels available for free PDF download
- The Scientific Indian presents “21 Minutes” by Rahul Jaisheel
- The final online issue of The Martian Wave features fiction by Anne Stringer and Rick Novy
- Ray Gun Revival #48 features fiction by Scott Davis, Mike Duran, D Thomas Mooers, R J Walker Miller, M Keaton, Keanan Brand, Sean T M Stiennon, and John M Whalen.
- Big Pulp presents “Cloning The King” by Bill Ward and “The Thing That Ate Mrs. Wilson’s Dog” by Sophie Bachard
And it just wouldn’t be a Friday without a little bit of Friday Flash Fiction, would it? Let’s see: Neil Beynon is “Remembering Lisa“, while Gaie Sebold is “Empty“.
And that’s your lot, folks – your tip-offs and plugs are always welcome, though. I hope none of our American readers have mortally injured themselves by overindulging in seasonal NOM NOM NOM action, and that everyone has an equally great weekend.