Futurismic closing to fiction submissions until 1st June

You’d probably be amazed just how many fiction submissions we get here at Futurismic – it’s more than I ever imagined we’d get, and the number grows by the month.

And that means our fearless fiction editor Chris East has a lot of work to do, none of which makes him a red cent, and it’s high time the poor guy had a holiday. So as of today, Futurismic is closed to fiction submissions until June 1st 2009; we’re in the fortunate position of having a decent inventory of contracted pieces for the next few months, so we want to give Chris a chance to hit Inbox Zero on the submissions and take a week or so off.

So, if you’ve got a piece you’re almost ready to send in, put it in a drawer for a few weeks, and then whip it out for a final polish (ahem) before sending it in when we reopen at the beginning of June. Sound like a plan? Lovely!

Enjoy your weekend, folks. 🙂

One thought on “Futurismic closing to fiction submissions until 1st June”

  1. Thanks, Paul! And a quick note to contributors–I do still have around 40 stories to review, so no need to panic if you haven’t heard back yet. I’ll be working on the rest of the batch in the coming weeks.

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