Tag Archives: sociology

Social network friends aren’t real friends. SRSLY.

Facebook screenshotSocial science once again uncovers what would have been obvious after a ten minute think and a cup of coffee: recent research indicates that, despite enabling you to connect with literally thousands of people, social networking sites rarely foster genuine friendships without the two parties actually meeting in meatspace too. To which, I imagine, the response of 90% of teenage MySpace and Facebook users would be “well, duh!” (or possibly O RLY?

While this may initially seem like a shocking conclusion, what it actually highlights is the rapid shift of the use and meaning of the word “friend”. Perhaps the post-structuralists were right – will we evolve new words and meanings to cope with the greater number of relationship strata that an increasingly wired world will feature? [Image by Brain Solis]

UK women spending more time online than men

A survey suggests that, as a demographic, British women in their late twenties and early thirties actually spend more time online than men of the same age group. I wonder what effect this will have on the sort of adverts we see deployed on popular sites, especially as it’s becoming increasingly plain that television is losing its former status as the preferred media platform for many people? But if further evidence of this ongoing trend is needed, I humbly submit the phenomenon of people registering domain names for their children long before they’ll be old enough to bash out their first blog post.