China’s Next Revolution

The rural peasantry, historically the source of China’s revolutionary fervor, is getting restive again. According to Time, China’s policy of allowing local governments to manage their own affairs has delivered economic growth, but at the expense of equity. Farmers, who are bearing the lion’s share of the costs of growth, are unhappy that they’re not also earning the rewards.

2 thoughts on “China’s Next Revolution”

  1. China is doing a great job at keeping its urban middle class and wealthy happy, thinking this will prevent any major uprisings. So far, it has been right. What makes you think that will change, particularly now, when the government is actually stepping up its assistance to rural areas?

  2. I’m pretty much reacting to the linked article, which claims that the rural poor make up the vast majority of China’s population, and that they are bearing a disproportionate share of the costs of modernization. It also claims that the rural poor have historically been the wellspring of China’s political upheavals.

    I claim no special knowledge of China. Would be interested to hear if you have reason to question the linked article.

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