Panspermia is the theory that life on Earth may have arrived in a nascent form from outer space, carried through the void as bacteria in comets or asteroids. It’s controversial, certainly, but persistent too (as well as being a classic science fiction trope). A Scottish scientist has decided to test the theory for plausibility by sending a chunk of rock into orbit and back on an ESA spacecraft, to determine whether microbes can survive not just the cold and vacuum of space, but also the violent physics of atmospheric reentry.
Update! This just in: Centauri Dreams pours water, or rather radiation, on the plausibility of panspermia.
This little known book (link below) with the weird title will document and affirm the current scientific theories known as Panspermia Dispersion. At the end of this rather short book, reference is given to its source text, a great but poorly known scientific tome published in 1955, well before Panspermia theories were widely circulated. I feel you’d find this book fascinating, informative, and affirming to the theory of Panspermia dispersion. I highly recommend it to you.
Thanks for your time,
[link to Amazon item deleted by site admin]
Terribly sorry, Ms. Malcomb (or should I say Mr. Bartolomeo?), but I don’t think you’ll find this website a successful venue for peddling quasi-Creationist claptrap. Not only because you’re pitching to totally the wrong demographic, but because I will make it my habit (a religion, you might say) to remove the links from all such comments. We’ve got no problem with earnest and on-topic recommendations, but blatant sock-puppetry is not on the Futurismic agenda.