A fairly weighty haul of free fiction for you this week. Let’s see what we’ve got …
We’ve got short stories!
ManyBooks.net: "With No Strings Attached" by Gordon Randall Garrett, "No Great Magic" by Fritz Leiber, "Subversive" by Mack Reynolds, "The Servant Problem" by Robert F. Young (1962) and "The Fourth Invasion" by Henry Josephs (1956).
Project Gutenberg: "The Red Room" by H. G. Wells.
We have webzines!
Via Nick Mamatas, the latest Clarkesworld Magazine:
Check out Acid and Stoned Reindeer by Rebecca Ore!
And if you’d like to get agitated, why not read our latest commentary The Language of Defeat by Jeff Vandermeer.
I just read Rebecca Ore’s story – that’s quite a piece of work. Go see!
Screaming Dreams has a Halloween issue available as a PDF for you to download, too.
We have book tasters!
Pyr has posted the first 3 chapters of Killswitch by Joel Shepherd.
We have entire novels!
In the mailbox from Stefan Pernar:
I published my first science fiction (although I would like to call it science future 😉 ) novel a few days ago – you can find it at www.jame5.com.
From the blurb: "Jame5 is a "Sophie’s World" for futurists and singularitarians in which the author takes his readers trough a hard take off technical singularity with all its philosophical consequences. What is good and what is evil? Where are we coming from and where are we going? What are happiness and the meaning of life? What do prophets have in common with dictators? All of these questions and more are being touched in this novel …"
Sounds interesting. If anyone would like to send us a review, please do so!
Also, transrealist genius Rudy Rucker has released the entirety of his latest novel, Postsingular, as a Creative Commons download. It comes heartily recommended by me, if that’s worth anything to you.
And it wouldn’t be Friday Free Fiction without the Friday Flash Fictioneers.
There are a few absentees this week; I know some of them are NaNoWriMo-ing, and that’s a reasonable excuse. (I wish I had one as good, but my fiction time this week was spent dealing with yesterday’s Futurismic hardware crisis …)
Justin Pickard is NaNoWriMo-ing too, but instead of ducking out, he’s posting excerpts – here’s "Traitor!".
Other contributors this week: Neil Beynon gives us "Rainbow"; Dan Pawley provides "My School Trip", and FFF’s founder Gareth L Powell donates "Sun Scrying".
We’d be more than pleased to invite new Fictioneers into the gang – drop us a line if you have a short piece you’d like us to include. The only rules are – it has to be under a thousand words, and it has to be published on your own site on a Friday!
In case there’s not enough here to keep you busy (in which case I envy the amount of free time you have), Free Speculative Fiction Online has once again updated their (far more comprehensive) list with many new additions from writers old and new.
Happy reading, and have a great weekend!
FYI: You also had comments recently about the insider novel of nuclear power, “Rad Decision”, available at no cost online at http://RadDecision.blogspot.com . Endorsed by noted futurist Stewart Brand.