Friday Free Fiction for 28 December

Unsurprisingly, there’s not exactly a flood of free fiction this week … but the river still flows. This should tide you over until the new year!


Newly arrived free fiction at


The guys and girls at Baen Books know the value of free reading material; three new titles have been added to the Baen Free Library.


Matthew Jarpe is giving away a short story originally published in Asimov’s: “Chicken Soup for Mars and Venus


Via Gary Gibson:

“… I have finally – finally – put together an online excerpt of [recently published novel] Stealing Light, being the first couple of chapters thereof. Somehow it seemed the right thing to do. There’s already an excerpt up at Pan Macmillan’s website, but it’s very small. I figure something slightly more substantial might be a better idea. So here it is.”


Most of the Friday Flash Fictioneer battalion are (quite understandably) missing in action this week. But a few of us are still manning the trenches:

Gareth D Jones suggests that you “Get Knitted“.

Neil Beynon continues his experimental phase with “Clockwork Songs“.

And yours truly has been writing “Against the Clock“.


That’s it for this week – and indeed for this year! But we’ll be back with more free fiction every Friday in the coming year, so don’t forget to send us tips and links to anything you think might be of interest. In the meantime, have a great New Year!

[tags]free, fiction, stories, online[/tags]