Happy new year, Futurismic readers! Here’s your first dose of free fiction for 2008:
A big lump-lot at ManyBooks.net:
- “As Long As You Wish” by John O’Keefe
- “We Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, Hardly” by Roger Kuykendall
- “Make Mine Homogenized” by Rick Raphael
- “Pushbutton War” by Joseph P. Martino
- “The Ambulance Made Two Trips” by Murray Leinster
- “The Aliens” by Murray Leinster
- “The Sky Trap” by Frank Belknap Long
- “Disturbing Sun” by Robert Shirley Richardson (aka Philip Latham)
- “The Guardians” by Irving Cox
- “Egocentric Orbit” by John Cory
- “Dead Giveaway” , “Despoilers of the Golden Empire“, “Damned If You Don’t” and “The Measure of a Man” by Randall Garrett
[Just to reiterate the point, the above list (and indeed some of the below) would be impossible for us to compile on a weekly basis if not for cribbing vigorously from the hard-grafting folk at SF Signal, who have our deepest gratitude.]
Via Nick Mamatas:
Happy New Year, and check out the latest from Clarkesworld Magazine!
“Debris Ensuing From A Supervortex” by Brian Ames.
And our feature article: Countdown to Singularity: A Conversation with Vernor Vinge by Shaun Farrell.
Chris Roberson delivers Friday freebies yet again: “The Sky is Large and the Earth is Small“.
Charles Sheehan-Miles wrote in to let us know that he has released the entirety of his alternate-near-future novel, Republic, free in all formats under a Creative Commons license.
S.L. Viehl is using Scribd to host all her free-to-read fiction.
Elizabeth Bear has posted of her short story “Tideline” (from the March 2007 Asimov’s) at her website.
Podcast fiction! Audible offers “Could Be Worse” by James Patrick Kelly.
It’s a bit thin on the ground for Friday Flash Fictioneers again, but there’s always a few of us defying such niceties as seasonal laziness … 😉
Neil Beynon delivers one of my favourites from his offerings so far: “The Edge Of The World“.
And in another one of those synchronous happenstances that seem to crop up so often in the world of FFF, both Gareth L Powell and I have stories involving salvaging, though in very different settings.
So take a visit to Gareth’s “Crash Site“, and then consider popping over to my blog and getting “Tagged“.
And finally, a simultaneously funny and educational non-fiction bonus: The Annals of Improbable Research (also known as AIR) is the publication from the people who brought us the IgNobel Prizes, and it’s now available for free in lo-rez downloadable formats as well as old-school dead-tree media.
If you like genuine science and a good hard laugh, there’s no place you’ll ever find the two more closely meshed – consider that my personal recommendation! 🙂
That’s your lot for this week, folks. Don’t forget to let us know if you see or hear of any free fiction you think we should be telling people about. Adios!
That’s why we’re here! Apparently… 🙂
Heh, I was a bit too late today – semper idem!