Futurismic and FeedBooks – making quality science fiction more portable

If you check out Futurismic‘s Friday Free Fiction posts, you’ll have noticed that we link regularly to FeedBooks, a site that aims to supply free-to-read ebooks in convenient portable formats. FeedBooks themselves have noticed, and we’ve been working with them to make Futurismic‘s fiction more accessible.

All stories published here at Futurismic are released under a Creative Commons license, so anyone can republish them provided they credit the authors and make no profit in the process. FeedBooks make stories more useful to the reader on the move by making them available in portable device-friendly formats like ePub, MobiPocket and iLiad, as well as printable PDFs.

So, if you keep an eye on the special Futurismic list at FeedBooks, you’ll see our back catalogue of fiction cropping up as time goes by. New stories will remain exclusive to Futurismic for the first three months, after which you’ll be able to pick them up in whatever format suits you best. The following titles are already available, with more to come in the future:

The FeedBooks team seem genuinely interested in getting good fiction into the hands of readers, and I recommend getting in touch with them if your webzine operates a similar model to Futurismic – it’s a great way to give your authors greater exposure.

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