Ah, Friday afternoon – the sweet smell of impending freedom from the workplace. And the appetising aroma of all the free genre fiction the web has to offer, too! Get busy with the buffet…
A trio in the inbox from Manybooks.net:
- “Pandemic” by Jesse F Bone
- “The Star Hyacinths” by James H Schmitz
- “Next Door, Next World” by Robert Donald Locke
Feedbooks‘ science fiction output has this week consisted entirely of rolling out stories from the Futurismic back-catalogue in useful formats (as mentioned earlier), so stock up on some of our greatest hits for your commute:
- “Real Death” by Terry Hayman
- “The Existential Cure” by Will McIntosh
- “Better Sweets To Prove Than Sleep” by Lisa Mantchev
- “Strike A Pose” by Donnárd Ricardo Sturgis
- “Push Patterns” by Jay Campbell
- “His Whore The Vector” by David McGillveray (who has a fresh story about to appear next month)
- “The Rivers of Eden” by Jay Lake and Ruth Nestvold
The latest dose from Apex Online is from George Mann, top dog at Solaris Books, no less: “The Nature Of Blood“.
Small Beer Press are on the give-away tip once more; right now you can get the entirety of The Ant King and Other Stories by Benjamin Rosenbaum in digital format over there.
John Joseph Adams is celebrating the release of his new Seeds Of Change anthology by releasing a bunch of stories and excerpts from it for free on its website. You can find links to them all in various convenient formats like PDF and MobiPocket, but here are links direct to the HTML versions of the full stories to be getting on with:
- “The Future by Degrees” by Jay Lake
- “Arties Aren’t Stupid” by Jeremiah Tolbert
- “Resistance” by Tobias S. Buckell
I might point out that all three of those writers have worked with Futurismic; Jay Lake has a story here co-written with Ruth Nestvold, and both Tobias and Jeremy have been bloggers here. A lot of talent passes through this site, y’know. 🙂
Via the Scalzi:
Mary Robinette Kowal has a page that will point you to some of her fiction online. Find out why she’s this year’s Campbell Award winner, and enjoy!
There’s yet more “deleted scenes” in the seemingly endless stream of DVD extras from the production team at Shadow Unit.
Via Nathan Lilly, here’s what’s new at SpaceWesterns.com:
- “The Hard Deal” by John M. Whalen – A young man plans revenge on a rich industrialist for the death of his father, but his plans go awry when he encounters an indigenous life form.
- “Corazón”—Part 2 by Jens Rushing – Jens Rushing brings us a Space Western/Fantasy, in three parts. In Part 2 Dixie O’Dell winds her way along the Ghost Trail to track down Gomez.
- Space Western Senryū Contest Winners by Alana Joli Abbott, Mark L. Van Name & Seamus Kevin Fahey
Email from Lise Andreasen in Copenhagen:
Here is Chapter 4 in my Intervention story.
And as you’re supposed to do with chapter 4 of an SF story, it’s animated. So… does 23 pictures qualify as flash? Oh no, wait. A picture is worth a 1000 words.
Thanks, Lise!
And finally, a trio of Friday Flashes:
- Greg O’Byrne doesn’t supply a pronunciation guide for “Patselonkaloman“
- Phred Serenissima discusses “A Public Matter“
- Gareth L Powell is hanging out in “Roswell“
There we go – should keep you busy for a while. In the meantime, we need your plugs and tip-offs; deadline is 1800 GMT on Friday, as always. Have a great weekend!