Does Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously.
Thanks go out to Don Hutton for this week’s premise.
Does Not Equal is a webcomic by Sarah Ennals – check out the pre-Futurismic archives, and the strips that have been published here previously.
Thanks go out to Don Hutton for this week’s premise.
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Not to mention using lower case “l” for ones. I was completely shocked the first time I saw a keyboard that had a “1” on it.
Despite being someone who ditched my old manual typewriter for a correcting Selectric (from IBM) as soon as I could afford it, and then started writing on computers back when they didn’t have hard drives and you could only get 40 pages of double-spaced copy on a floppy — that is, as someone who has eagerly adopted every advance in writing technology — I still love an old manual typewriter. It was an elegant design.