Steampunk musings

steam_crownAn interesting comment on the popularity of the clanking, clinker-creating subgenre of Science Fiction known as Steampunk:

Whether you’re reading and identifying with Girl Genius or making yourself a pair of functioning telescopic brass goggles, the fact is that when you have to get your hands or brain dirty puzzling out how stuff works, you can’t be blasé about technological miracles — you’re forced to realize what miracles we’ve actually wrought.

This is cheerful stuff, and very much inkeeping with this comment from Cory Doctorow‘s recent book, Little Brother:

Even if you only write code for one day, one afternoon, you have to do it. Computers can control you or they can lighten your work — if you want to be in charge of your machines, you have to learn to write code.

We must continue to comprehend and understand our technology, lest we become a slave to it.

[via Beyond the Beyond][image from Angelrays on flickr]

One thought on “Steampunk musings”

  1. Steam without Steampunk (Engine 2472 at the Speed of Light?)

    For me, steampunk deals with the path not taken, with alternate history. In that world, technology is advanced and steam power widely used. Oh, for such a situation! Only in my dreams might Engine Number 2472 carry me at the speed of light.

    Please use the link below to view the slide show (with audio)of Engine Number 2472 taken over the Labor Day weekend. 2472 belongs to the Golden Gate Railroad Museum and is operated at the Niles Canyon Railway in California.

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