Friday Free Fiction for 27th February

Cheer up – the weekend’s here! Well, near enough, if not quite for US readers… but I digress. It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for your weekly round-up for free science fiction stories on the web. Let’s rock.


Just the one from FeedBooks:


It’s Nebula nomination season, so expect more announcements like this in coming weeks; Asimov’s Magazine has made all their stories and novelettes that were nominated available online.


You can download a PDF of the Ken Scholes story “Last Flight of the Goddess” for free… provided you’re a registered member of, that is.


Jason Stoddard has posted chapter 2.1 of his unpublished novel Eternal Franchise.


Kim Lakin-Smith has released “The Killing Fields” – her story from the recent BSFA anthology, Celebration – on her website. There are downloadable formats for them what don’t like reading on no web page, too.


More new fiction at Subterranean Online:

A Four-Sided Triangle” is the latest pulp excursion by Mike Resnick’s singular creation, the Honorable Right Reverend Doctor Lucifer Jones.


Strange Horizons presents “Sometimes We Arrive Home” by K Bird Lincoln


Polu Texni presents the concluding part of “Very Truly Yours” by Seth Gordon


Hub Magazine presents “Montgolfier Winter” by Alasdair Stuart


SF Signal has a massive list of free stories recently added to the Free Speculative Fiction Online site. A couple of other bits they pointed out:

  • the new issue of Australian sf webzine Antipodean features J D Brames, Liam Thorpe, Steve Duffy, Jan Napier, Mick Dawson, Shaun A Saunders, Mark Farrugia, Houston Dunleavy, Houston Dunleavy, and Felicity Dowker
  • Author and game designer Greg Costikyan has a bunch of free-to-read stories from the bibliography page of his website..


Due to events in the reality beyond the interwebs (where I am genuinely known to manifest from time to time, contrary to popular belief) I’m not going to be able to catch all the bits of Friday Flash this week, but rest assured they’ll be carried over into next week’s round-up, just as with “Tongue“, Neil Beynon’s offering from last week


Non-fiction bonus – via BoingBoing (and a slew of other venues) comes news of the second issue of H+, the transhumanist magazine edited by R U Sirius. As you can see, there’s plenty of stuff for science fiction readers:

… “First Steps Toward Post Scarcity or Why It’s the End of the World as We Know it and You Should Feel Fine” by Jason Stoddard

John Shirley on Cyberpunk for the 21st Century…

… Paul McEnery talking to “Bio Gunk” SF writer Peter Watts

H+ is free to download in PDF form from the magazine’s website. So get to it!


And that’s your lot! As pointed out above, I’ll raise my hand to any errors and ommissions of lateness, as I’ve compiled this post a good few hours than I would normally, but anything that I’ve missed will be added into next week’s post. Until then, keep your tip-offs coming in and have yourselves a great weekend!