Welcome to Uncanny Valley

Thanks to regular reader Sarah Brand for the tip-off on this one; Tokyo-based entertainment company Kokoro has been uploading videos of Actroid F, their android actress, and they’re simultaneously impressive and creepy. Voila:

See what I mean? I’ve spoken to hotel desk staff and shop assistants less realistic than that! (Which probably says a lot about my shopping and travel habits; so it goes.)

[ Bonus aside for the rock fans in the readership, who may have noticed the album-name allusion in the title of this post: maybe the not-really-entirely-Kyuss-actually cash-in reformation could get an android stand-in for Josh Homme? I’d be more interested in catching the shows if they did, to be honest… ]

3 thoughts on “Welcome to Uncanny Valley”

  1. Future job prospects for me:

    A) My job will be outsourced
    B) I’ll be replaced by a giant rubber doll.
    C) My line of work will cease to exist
    D) All of the above


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