Smaller, better, faster, more: synthetic biology

Hi-ho, disruptive tech-development curve! Little chips that synthesise DNA strands faster and more cheaply than the standard extant procedures… anyone fancy formulating a Moore’s Law equivalent for synthetic biology? Tian cites the recent cloning of the entire genome of a single bacterium, which took more than four years to complete and cost more than $40 … Continue reading Smaller, better, faster, more: synthetic biology

Lego lifeforms – the progress of synthetic biology

Biotech is really hitting its stride as far as rapid progress – and grabbing headlines – is concerned. New Scientist takes a look at the work of Craig Venter – the tycoon who recently attempted to patent a ‘minimal genome’ – who claims his team have passed an important milestone in the journey towards creating entirely … Continue reading Lego lifeforms – the progress of synthetic biology