According to the San Jose Mercury News, the entire contents of the Robert Heinlein archive will be placed online thanks to an partnership between the University of California-Santa Cruz and the Heinlein Prize Trust. The archive, which has been housed in the UC-Santa Cruz Library’s Special Collections, was recently scanned to preserve them digitally. Eventually all of Heinlein’s work, including manuscripts and notes, will be put online. More information can be found at the Heinlein Prize Trust.
Category Archives: books
“Holy Fire” by Bruce Sterling
Highly inventive novel involving life extension technology in a fascinating, vividly depicted near-future Europe. [buy it]
by Kate Wilhelm
Everything you ever wanted to know about the famous Clarion SF & Fantasy Writer’s Workshop. Well, maybe not everything…
“Pattern Recognition”
by William Gibson
Intriguing near-future “non-SF” combining science fictional themes and contemporary issues in truly futurismic fashion. Highly recommended.
“A World at Arms”
by Gerhard L. Weinberg
Sprawling, comprehensive global overview of World War II covering virtually every corner of the globe–future-building fiction writers could do well for themselves by studying this fascinating era.