Tag Archives: Author Emerita

M.J. Engh to be honoured by SFWA as 2009 Author Emerita

We just got a press release from Jayme Lynn Blaschke of the SFWA:

Mary Jane Engh, author of Arslan and Wheel of the Winds among other works, will be honored as Author Emerita by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America for the 2009 Nebula Awards® Weekend in Los Angeles, California.

“Well, I hope ’emerita’ doesn’t mean ‘over the hill,’ but I’m truly honored — blown away, in fact,” Engh said. “It’s nice to know that somebody has noticed me.”

Under the pseudonym Jane Beauclerk, Engh published her first science fiction story, “We Serve the Star of Freedom,” in the July 1964 issue of the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Over the next four decades, her short fiction appeared in a wide range of markets including Universe 1, Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine and Arabesques.

Congratulations, Ms Engh! I’ll be entirely honest and say that I’ve never read anything she’s written, but I figure the SFWA don’t just give honours like that away for peanuts. If anyone knows where some of her fiction can be found on the web, do let us know, and we’ll stick the links up.