Tag Archives: Book View Cafe

Flash fiction: The Dog at the End of the World by Nancy Jane Moore

Flashes of Illumination by Nancy Jane MooreI like to do what I can to support the writers we’ve published here at Futurismic, so when Nancy Jane Moore asked me if I’d post a super-short story of hers to promote her ebook anthology of flash fiction, Flashes Of Illumination, how could I refuse? Continue reading Flash fiction: The Dog at the End of the World by Nancy Jane Moore

Oil Spill Fundraiser Anthology from Book View Cafe

Breaking Waves anthology coverWhat’s better than good quality reading material? Good quality reading material that supports a good cause, of course!

So whether you’re a fan of genre fiction and poetry, concerned about the environmental impact of the Deep Horizon oilspill or both, you should take a look at Book View Cafe’s Breaking Waves anthology:

Edited by Phyllis Irene Radford and Tiffany Trent, Breaking Waves offers up glimpses of maritime splendor, poignancy, and humor through the works of poets, essayists, and Hugo and Nebula-award winning authors like Ursula K. Le Guin, Vonda N. McIntyre, David D. Levine, and more.  All proceeds from the sale of this anthology will go to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund of the Greater New Orleans.

Available in four DRM-free formats – epub, mobi, pdf, prc – and just US$4.99… sounds like a bargain to me!

(Thanks to Nancy Jane Moore for the tip-off.)

Rocket Boy and the Geek Girls – affordable e-anthology from Book View Cafe

Regular readers will be aware of my interest in new and experimental publishing models for niche authors… and with that in mind I’m very pleased to be able to pass on news of a new digital-only anthology from the Book View Cafe collective. So, with no further ado, here’s the skinny:

Book View Café, the Internet’s only professional author cooperative, announces the creation of Book View Press. Book View Press will expand the Café authors’ mission of bringing the best online fiction to the readers by bringing new work ready-to-read on the most popular ebook devices, including the Amazon Kindle, the Sony eReader and a variety of cell phones.

This group of award-winning and best-selling authors is launching their new press with its first science fiction anthology: ROCKET BOY AND THE GEEK GIRLS, a collection of rare reprints, hard-to-find favorites and bold new tales by some of SF’s finest authors including Vonda N. McIntyre, Katharine Kerr, Judith Tarr, P.R. Frost, Pati Nagle, Amy Sterling Casil, and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff.

Rocket Boy and the Geek Girls is available at  http://bit.ly/rgr4K for the Kindle version and http://www.bookviewcafe.com/index.php/BVC-eBookstore/ for other formats including pdf, mobi, prc, lit, lrf, epub.

To celebrate the launch of Rocket Boy, BVC is holding a TwitterFic contest. For details visit the contest page: http://www.bookviewcafe.com/index.php/News/BVC-Twitter-Fic-Contest-8-Celebrating-Book-View

For  more info contact: media.relations@bookviewcafe.com

“Fasten your seatbelts and brace your tentacles.  These all-star tales of epic wonder from the genre’s masters will sizzle through your mind like a spaceship on re-entry burn.”  –Dave Williams, author of The Burning Sky

Sounds like an interesting project, no? So go take a look, spread the word, maybe buy yourself a copy.