Tag Archives: Edward Willett

Edward Willett teaches (sf-nal) typing

Just a quickie – Canadian readers may be interested to know that occasional Futurismic blogger and freelance writer Edward Willett will be teaching an evening course in genre fiction writing at the University of Regina in March and April of next year.

I’m not sure of the exact exchange rate, but I’m guessing ninety-nine Canadian bucks for eight hours tuition from a published sf novelist and prolific freelance writer is a pretty good deal… so any Regina residents with a jones for writing should maybe start scraping the pennies together, eh?

Winners of Futurismic-only draw for Terra Insegura and Marseguro

Actual Book Just a quick note to announce the winners of the Futurismic-readers-only draw for copies of my science fiction novels Terra Insegura (just released) and its prequel, Marseguro, both published by DAW Books.

The signed copy of Terra Insegura goes to Mac Tonnies of Kansas City, Missouri, while the copy of Marseguro was won by Kian Momtahan of Bristol, U.K.

If you missed out on the Futurismic draw and would like a chance to win the books for yourself, I’m doing two more weeks of draws open to anyone. If you’d like to enter, just send me an email at edward(at)edwardwillett.com with the subject line Terra Insegura.

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who took part.


[tags]books,Edward Willett, Terra Insegura, science fiction, contests[/tags]

My book is out, and I’m giving it away–the sequel!

Terra Insegura resized Paul recently accused me of being too modest to promote myself here on Futurismic, but this should prove him wrong!

My latest science fiction novel, Terra Insegura, is out from DAW Books tomorrow, and to promote it, I’m running a month-long giveaway at my blog (details here). You’re welcome to enter over there, but as I did last year for Marseguro, I’m also offering a special for Futurismic readers only.

Email me at edward(at)edwardwillett.com and put “Futurismic contest” in the subject line, and I’ll enter you in a Futurismic-only draw. The first name drawn receives a copy of Terra Insegura, and the second name drawn a copy of last year’s Aurora Award-nominated Marseguro. (I’ll only ask for mailing information from the winners after they win, and don’t worry: I’ll ship anywhere in the world.)

I’ll keep this draw open for two weeks, closing it at midnight GMT on Sunday, May 17.

And just a reminder: you can read the first two chapters of the book and/or listen to me read them on my website.

We now return you to your regular Futurismic programming.

(Image: Cover art by Stephan Martiniere.)

[tags]Edward Willett,science fiction, books, novels, contests[/tags]

Edward Willett – Aurora Award finalist!

marseguro-edward-willettIt’s a proud day for Futurismicone of our blogging team is a finalist for an Aurora Award!

Edward Willett‘s recent novel Marseguro is one of the five finalists for the Long Form English category of the Prix Aurora Awards, the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association’s yearly contest. Edward explains:

The Auroras recognize Canadian science fiction and fantasy artwork, writing, and fan activities. Nominated for and voted on by fans, they’re the Canadian equivalent of the Hugo Awards–or, to put it in movie terms, the Canadian science fiction and fantasy equivalent of, say, the People’s Choice Awards.

In other words, it’s about as big a deal for a Canadian genre author as any national award could be, and I’d like to extend my hearty congratulations to Edward on behalf of the rest of the Futurismic team.

You can see all the nominees for all the categories at the Prix Aurora Awards website, but here’s the Long Form English category list in full:

  • After the Fires – Ursula Pflug [Tightrope Books]
  • Identity Theft And Other Stories – Robert J. Sawyer [Red Deer Press]
  • Impossibilia – Douglas Smith [PS Publishing]
  • Defining Diana – Hayden Trenholm [Bundoran Press]
  • Marseguro – Edward Willett [DAW Books]

Congratulations to one and all! Canadian readers of Futurismic, please consider supporting the Auroras by registering to vote – even if Edward’s book isn’t your choice, your involvement will help ensure that this award (and others like it) continues to recognise the hard work of genre authors the world over.

[ Full disclosure: I am a contractor to PS Publishing. ]

Vicarious WorldCon!

Wishing you were hobnobbing with the great and the good of science fiction at Denvention this weekend? Yeah, me too.

But the wonderful world of the blogosphere means you can experience it at a few removes… among the many people blogging from the scene is Futurismic‘s very own Edward Willett, so pop on over to Hassenpfeffer to see what he’s been up to.

He’s got a photoset going on Flickr, too – I guess missing out on the mammoth queues is one plus point to being stuck at home:

Queuing at Denvention3

Of course, it’s quite possible to find experiencing Worldcons through the medium of blogging to be rather dull and tedious… your mileage may vary. 😉

[Image courtesy Edward Willett – all rights reserved]