After his excellent study of gender politics in “Fluidity” last autumn, Eric Del Carlo returns to Futurismic with another look at the unanswered yet imminent questions of posthuman identity. Short, sharp and timely – enjoy!
Out Walking The Streets
by Eric Del Carlo
I’m ravenous for sights and sensations, for the leathery creak of the seat beneath me, for the subtle reassuring hum in the metaplastic hull of the train car. I feel the speed; I record in my mind the tug of force against my body, basic physical principles acting upon me at every moment. It is new. It is all worthy of my acute attention.
It is not new. I am thirty-four years old, and the laws which oversee reality are as familiar–and discountable in day to day life–as the thump of blood in my veins.
I exert the effort not to make a spectacle of myself. I’m hardly alone on the train, but no others, I feel sure, are as mesmerized by the cityscape streaming past both rows of windows. I want to, but do not, press my nose to the clear ‘plastic and cry out at the pearlescent architectural wonder on display. They’ve put me on this train, among regular people. I’ve promised to control myself, and my promises have convinced those who needed convincing. Continue reading NEW FICTION: OUT WALKING THE STREETS by Eric Del Carlo