Tag Archives: gasification

From bottles to bricks – recycling plastics into architecture

POLLI-brick - recycled plastic architectural componentOne of the less-feted stars of this year’s CES was the POLLI-Brick, an example of how recycling might be used to make something useful. The POLLI-Brick is an oddly-shaped plastic building block which…

… features a unique interlocking cylindrical shape and […] is created from around four recycled PET plastic bottles. The shape incorporates a great deal of air; thereby providing the thermal and sound insulation.

Besides their potential use as architectural components, they can be fitted with LED lamps in their cavities to provide mood lighting, or be used as plant pots. All good stuff, for sure – I’m all for reusing stuff we usually throw away -but one can’t help but feel that they’re going to look rather unfashionable rather fast, like last season’s rave club decor. Few things age as badly (and obviously) as architecture. [image borrowed from linked GizMag article]

And while we’re on the subject of recycling… oil prices may be low again at the moment, but they’re unlikely to stay that way forever. The prudent person plans ahead… so maybe you’d be interested in step-by-step instructions for converting your Honda Accord to run on organic trash, a bit like the Mr Fusion unit on the Back to the Future Dolorian? [via MetaFilter]