Tag Archives: nanotechology

Eric Drexler launches Metamodern blog

Portrait of K Eric DrexlerI dare say a lot of you will have seen this already, but for the rest: Eric “Engines of Creation” Drexler has launched his own blog, Metamodern. [image courtesy Wikimedia Commons]

Drexler is one of the leading thinkers in molecular nanotech, so there’s one reason to follow along and see what he has to say. But Drexler has more to offer:

Metamodern isn’t intended to be “a blog about nanotechnology”; its scope includes broader issues involving technologies with world-changing potential. For example, looking well downstream in technology development, I will sketch the requirements for large-scale systems able to restore the atmosphere to its pre-industrial composition. Closer to hand, social software and the computational infrastructure of our society are high on the list.

I think we can safely assume that Futurismic readers will find something of interest in his output.