Tag Archives: Vincent VanAllen

THE BABY WINDOW by Vincent VanAllen

Vincent VanAllen’s new story is an absurdist poke in the eye for egotistical super-parents.

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The Baby Window

by Vincent VanAllen

Journal of Prenatal Psychology & Health
2016 Jul;105(1):44-57.
Artificially accelerated fetal development in Homo sapiens: what is the role of the baby window?

Authors: Ripley R.C., Hess N.J.

I. IMPLANTATION: The search for a guinea pig

Child psychologist Norman Hess clasped his hands and dropped to a knee. “Angela, please. Just think about watching our baby grow inside your womb, right before our eyes!”

“It doesn’t seem safe,” Angela said. She was six weeks pregnant with their first child, and already Norman insisted on treating the baby like another one of his lab experiments. “What if there’s an infection or something? I don’t know. It just seems so unnatural.” Continue reading THE BABY WINDOW by Vincent VanAllen