Mac Tonnies has been thinking about aliens – the Grays. What if they represent a sort of tangible psychosomatic feedback from our own distant future? Continue reading Listening to the Grays
All posts by Mac Tonnies
The Existential Buffer – how and why our brains filter the Here and Now
Mac Tonnies is planning a voyage into inner space. Where else can he go to find out what’s happening in the Real reality that our brains keep hidden from us? Continue reading The Existential Buffer – how and why our brains filter the Here and Now
Dreams of the Future
Mac’s back – and he’s been having some dark dreams. Are science fictional dystopias an inevitable side-effect of our current species-wide existential issues? Continue reading Dreams of the Future
Posthuman Sex
It’s the return of the Mac! In this instalment of his Loving The Alien column, transhuman ufologist Mac Tonnies has been thinking about a subject that is dear to us all … but whose dearness is inexplicable when observed from a rational perspective.
Which leads you to wondering – what will Posthuman Sex look like? Continue reading Posthuman Sex
Transhuman Ufology
Welcome to the return of non-fiction essays to Futurismic! And welcome also to the inaugural Loving The Alien column, in which Mac Tonnies sets out his pitch for “transhuman ufology”.
How can Kurzweilian Singularitarianism and informed ufological speculation be reconciled? Read on to find out …