Tag Archives: Christmas

JACK’S GIFT by Jason Stoddard

Jason Stoddard (whose “Changing The Tune” appeared here just over a year ago) brings us December’s short story; “Jack’s Gift” is our first honest-to-God holiday piece. Think Metropolis meets Miracle On 34th Street; grit with a lot of heart. Enjoy!

Jack’s Gift

by Jason Stoddard

When Sandra was six, she asked the question for the first time.

“Daddy, is there a Santa Claus?”

And, like all first times, the answer was easy.

“You email him your list, and he sends you presents, doesn’t he?”


“So there must be a Santa Claus.”

“Oh, okay.” And she drifted off into the perfect sleep of children who have had the world sorted to their satisfaction.

When Sandra was eight, she asked something harder. Continue reading JACK’S GIFT by Jason Stoddard