Anti-Satellite Lasers

Why limit yourself to war on the planet’s surface? Think big like the Pentagon, and militarise space with ground-based anti-satellite lasers. After all, you wouldn’t want anyone else being able to take satellite images of the surface with the same degree of accuracy as yourself, would you?

One thought on “Anti-Satellite Lasers”

  1. Think big like the Pentagon, and militarise space with ground-based anti-satellite lasers.

    Tsk. It is a lot more nuanced than that.

    One might as well talk about militirizing the Straights of Malaaca. At least if we did that we could charge tolls and make some dough.

    It is nothing more – or less – than a move to demonstrate (for only 5.7 million) that a system could be built. The other Powers then need to think of (expensive) ways to counter the potential. Games of State, s’all it is.

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