Here’s a quick one from Futurismic’s (electronic) postbag – calling all writers of speculative fiction over fifty years of age!
“The Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF) is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the 2008 Older Writers Grant. The grant of $750 is available to any writer of speculative literature of 50 years or older at the time of application just beginning to work professionally in the field. There are no restrictions on the use of the grant money.
The grant will be awarded by a committee of SLF staff members on the basis of interest and merit. Applicants are asked to submit a brief autobiographical statement, a writing sample, and a bibliography. For full details on how to apply for the grant, please refer to the grants page on the SLF web site, or email olderwriters[AT]speclit[DOT]org.
Applications must be received by March 31st 2008. The successful applicant will be announced on June 1st 2008.”
Well, what are you waiting for?
I didn’t even know what it is.
“Speculative literature is a catch-all term meant to inclusively span the breadth of fantastic literature, encompassing literature ranging from hard science fiction to epic fantasy to ghost stories to horror to folk and fairy tales to slipstream to magical realism to modern myth-making — and more. Any piece of literature containing a fabulist or speculative element would fall under our aegis, and would potentially be work that we would be interested in supporting.”
From their website.
Cor. A whole $750.
It does say you could spend it any way you like, Ian. I think an Asus Eee isn’t much more than $750 … 😉
What am I waiting for? Another fifteen years or so, by the looks of things… 😐