Friday Free Fiction for 7th March

It’s that time of week again, ladies and gents …


A fistful from

Plus a bonus for any Dutch-speaking readers:


John Joseph Adams has released six stories from his Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse anthology, free to read at your leisure right here on the intarwebs:


Cosmos Magazine presents: “Untangling the Future” by Ingrid Banwell


From the Subterranean Press posse:

“Over at Subterranean Online, we’re closing out the Winter 2008 issue in fine style, with The Voyage of the Proteus, a delightfully sardonic novelette from the acid dipped pen of Thomas M. Disch. As the limited edition of Voyage has already sold out, we wanted to share this tale of today and deep in the past with as many readers as possible. We’ll be posting a new chapter every other weekday during March. Enjoy.”


[link expunged]


Via John Joseph Adams and many other venues: Night Shade Books is releasing the entire text of Richard Kadrey‘s novel Butcher Bird: A Novel Of The Dominion as a DRM-free download, in a wide variety of formats.

“The world of Butcher Bird is one where angels and devils brawl in the streets, where the Black Clerks charged with keeping the Dominions in check have developed their own dark agenda, where the swordswoman known as Blind Shrike battles monsters in deadly combat, where a civil war has broken out in Hell, and where Spider Lee, an unassuming San Francisco tattoo artist, and his drinking buddy LuLu Garou, have been dropped right smack into the middle of the action.

Richard himself describes the book as “the Gnostic Gospels meets Wild at Heart.” Butcher Bird is an odyssey that will take you from the San Francisco underground to decadent palaces to the very gates of Hell… and beyond!”



Knock on Coffins” is the second instalment of the collaborative fiction project Shadow Unit; Elizabeth Bear took the duties on this one.


Occasional Futurismic contributor and all-round nice guy Jeremiah Tolbert has updated his online bibliography, which includes lots of stuff that’s free to read.


Well, hark at Jonathan Lethem getting all posh and literary on us; he went and got “The King of Sentences” published in The New Yorker!


Paolo Bacigalupi is also in the mood for giving it away:

“I’ve added some sample stories under the PUMP SIX header. In addition to “The Tamarisk Hunter” I’ve also added the Hugo and Nebula nominee “The People of Sand and Slag” and just for grins, I also posted the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award finalist “The Fluted Girl.” That should give people enough of an idea about my writing to either love it or hate it.”


From Mike Brotherton:

“My new novel Spider Star is officially released today … I’ve uploaded what I hope is very close to a final version of the prologue and first four chapters.”


Via Uncle Nick, news on the latest edition of Clarkesworld Magazine:

Stephen Dedman writes about Poe’s teeth in “Teeth“, and Ekaterina Sedia discusses the important issues of SUPER-SPERM and PARASITIC FETUSES in our science commentary Evolutionary Arms Race!”


Jay Lake‘s off at a writing workshop this weekend (lucky devil), but he dropped off another of his frequent freebies earlier in the week:

“The current installment in this series is my short story “The Angel’s Daughter“. At 1,200 words, this originally appeared in the August, 2004 issue of Realms of Fantasy, then reprinted in Fantasy: The Best of 2004. If you like the story, please consider subscribing to Realms of Fantasy.”


Lise Andreasen from Copenhagen reappears with a story called “Supervision“.


Jake Freivald wrote to tell us that there’s a new edition of Flash Fiction OnLine, er, online.

It includes a piece from Jim Van Pelt, who as regular readers will know is someone whose writing advice I greatly respect. Naturally, he’s shared his thoughts about (and links for resources concerning) flash fiction before, as it’s a format he’s very fond of.


Which brings us – by way of a segue that even Howard Stern would remove his hat for – to the Friday Flash Fictioneers!

It’s another slow week for the triple-F crew for an assortment of reasons, but a few of us are still kicking out the jams – Justin Pickard‘s resolve is “Non-Perishable“, and Gareth L Powell doesn’t give a damn when “Life Goes Wrong“. Meanwhile, yours truly is “Leaving Mars” – maybe I should hitch a ride on Neil Beynon‘s second “Elevator“?


And that would appear to be that for this week – a pretty decent haul, I reckon. Don’t forget to drop us any tip-offs or blatant self-plugs that you may have by way of the Contact page. And in the interim – have a great weekend!