Your humble editor on the Sofanauts podcast

Stuck for some science fiction related listening on this fine Saturday? Permit me to make a suggestion; the second installment of the Sofanauts podcast features a discussion between host Tony C Smith (creator of the StarShipSofa podcast); writer, web developer and good friend of Futurismic Jeremiah Tolbert; Pablo Defendini, head honcho and all-round multitasking maestro at… and yours truly.

Tony rolled us through the sf-nal news of the week – the passing of JG Ballard, the Save the Semiprozine Award campaign and the Nebula Awards – with plenty of excursions into related territories. You can hear us debate the decline of the short fiction magazines, the future of the printed word and the rise of the ebook, the writing of Neal Stephenson, Cory Doctorow and Ian McDonald, and a whole lot more. If you’ve got an hour and a half in which your ears will be unoccupied, take a listen.