Today I’m mostly decompressing after meeting a major deadline over the weekend (which may be of interest to readers and collectors of high quality limited edition genre fiction books, which I presume includes a few of you), and as such I’m struggling to do The Clever*.
So to tide you over until NEW FICTION later in the day (oh yes!), here’s a couple of items from my newsfeeds that chimed together:
- A chap called Aram Bartholl is doing one of those increasingly common tech/art/sociological experiment/installation things that involves cementing USB thumb drives into public walls as a sort of digital “dead drop” service [via BoingBoing].
- Meanwhile, a gang calling themselves the Archive Team have released a nearly-a-terabyte torrent archive file that contains a substantial proportion of the now-defunct Geocities proto-web ghetto, blinking tags and under-construction GIFs presumably included [via TechDirt].
At least a couple of story ideas and talking points in the collision of those two chunks of news, wouldn’t you say? So just for a change, I’ll shut the hell up and you lot can think out loud in the comments. Go on – it’s Monday, after all, and even your boss is probably slacking with a Halloween hangover…
[ * No change there, then. ]