Tag Archives: downtime

Stealth mode

Folks, I hope you’ll excuse the next couple of days being pretty quiet around these parts, but I’ve a whole raft of non-Futurismic work to get sorted this week, plus a few bits of housekeeping here as well… and dropping a few days worth of blogging will mean I can get everything done without the need for a modafinil overdose (let alone being lynched by my patient yet long-suffering girlfriend).

Back to business as usual on Wednesday – thanks for your patience! 🙂

Festive downtime

Hi folks; just a quick note to apologise for the radio silence here over the last week! I’ve been off doing that family thing for the festive season alongside finishing up all the fiddly details of my recent house move (an experience I’m glad to have seen the end of), and there simply hasn’t been time to update here at Futurismic. I hope you’ve found plenty of other good stuff to read around the web… or been busy enough with your own seasonal visits to not notice the absence!

And here we are a few days before Christmas – meaning that most of you will be spending some well-earned time away from your computers, as will I. Futurismic will be back up and running next week in the run-up to the New Year, so I hope you’ll pop back and join us then. In the meantime, here’s wishing you all whatever will make you happiest, wherever you may be located and whatever belief system you may subscribe to. 🙂

Happy holidays! – Paul R

Back in business

Hi folks;

Once again, my apologies for the flaky state of the site over the last three or four days; since Sunday, a lot of people (including myself) have found Futurismic to be either ludicrously slow to load or completely inaccessible. The most common cyberattack causing websites to face downtime is a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. A DDoS attack floods a web server (or a network resource) with simultaneous requests through a large group of compromised computer systems. This attack overloads the server and crashes it.

I got an email from the hosting company this morning telling me that they’ve moved the site to a new server, which should hopefully fix the problem permanently… or as permanently as web hosting ever gets fixed, at least. if any of you have  a recommended wordpress hosting service, please share it with me in the comments.

Every site needs web hosting. Put simply web hosting is where the files, information and content that create your website live. These files are stored on a remote computer which is known as a host.  So its vitally important that you choose a good reliable web host that suits the needs of your website. When you visit a website the files that create it are shown within your web browser. So its vitally important that you choose a good reliable web host that suits the needs of your website.

Thanks for your patience! 🙂

*tap, tap* Is this thing on?

Hi folks;

If you noticed that Futurismic was unreachable for a large part of the last twelve hours or so, please accept my apologies – unexplained downtime is just one of the many extras that come bundled with our web hosting service! Everything appears to be back to normal now, though (touch wood).

If you didn’t notice Futurismic was down… well, you can pretend you never saw this post, right? Right.

Normal service – as normal as it ever gets round here, anyway – should be restored soon… just about as soon as this hangover clears up, in fact (this really hasn’t been the best Friday ever). Thanks for your patience. 🙂

Possible downtime and weirdness ahead

Greetings, Futurismic readers! Just a quick heads-up – we’re in the process of migrating hosts again, which means that DNS changes are a-propagating as we speak.

Hosting being the brick-wall nightmare that it is, there’s more than a chance that things may go slightly awry, and Futurismic may seem to disappear or break in the process; rest assured we’ll be working hard to make sure there’s minimal disruption, but if you see some weird result when you try to visit, you’ll know what has happened.

With this in mind, THE CONTACT AND FICTION SUBMISSION FORMS HAVE BEEN DEACTIVATED so we don’t lose any important emails. We’ll switch ’em back on as soon as we’re able to.

Thanks for your patience – we’ll be back soon!