
Thanks to chemical similarities, silicon has been suggested as an alternative to carbon in the molecules of lifeforms by a number of cranks and science fiction writers in the past, but it’s not an idea that has ever gained any real scientific support. Until now, that is – Dr Tom Gold, emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell University, is publishing a book that advances exactly this idea, suggesting that the crust of the Earth may be teeming with silicon-based lifeforms that we (in our carbon-based arrogance) have never even noticed. May I be the first to welcome our new silicon overlords…

3 thoughts on “Intraterrestrials?”

  1. Well, that’ll teach me to check my sources. I should have known better than to trust a UFOlogy site without looking into the background of the story and the dates concerned.

    But you’re right, that would be big news were it discovered to be true. There’d be a hell of a lot of very smug crystal therapists, too…

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