Tag Archives: bloggers

News cycle identified

lipstickonapSome glorious and fascinating reportage-porn at memetracker that shows how news stories are taken up and how long they last and what their impact is:

They found a consistent rhythm as stories rose into prominence and then fell off over just a few days, with a “heartbeat” pattern of handoffs between blogs and mainstream media. In mainstream media, they found, a story rises to prominence slowly then dies quickly; in the blogosphere, stories rise in popularity very quickly but then stay around longer, as discussion goes back and forth. Eventually though, almost every story is pushed aside by something newer.

There is something truly wonderful about seeing this information laid out in such an intuitive manner. This kind of analysis of the growth, spread, and retention of ideas is certainly an area that will expand and grow over time.

[via Physorg, from MemeTracker]


Hi, My name is Arun Jiwa. I’m Futurismic‘s newest blogger, and I’ll briefly introduce myself. I’m 19, and I grew up in India. I moved to Edmonton, Alberta in Canada when I was 8 and I’ve been living there since. Right now, I’m spending five weeks in the South of India. I’ve been a fan of the written word since a very young age, and I’ve been reading SF, Fantasy, and Horror for most of that time.

Offhand, a list of my favorite authors in SF include (but are not limited to) William Gibson, Ian McDonald, Alastair Reynolds, Charles Stross, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Neal Asher, Gene Wolfe and Tobias Buckell.

In Fantasy I’ll read anything by Robin Hobb, George R.R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, Neil Gaiman, Gene Wolfe, and Lynn Flewelling.

My own blog is The Middle Way

I look forward to blogging with Futurismic.

Enter, stage left

Hello everyone. My name is Justin Pickard, and I’m the most recent addition to Futurismic‘s blogging team.

This time last week, I submitted the final pieces of work for an undergraduate degree in International Relations and Anthropology. Over three years of university life, I’ve developed a diverse set of interests – penning essays on everything from Thai spirit mediums through to ‘cyborg urbanisation‘, copyright piracy, and the geopolitics of the apocalypse.

I put it down to low latent inhibition.

Alongside the tangential academics, I’ve found the time to tackle National Novel Writing Month, spent a summer researching labour activism and the internet. and umpired a role-playing campaign set in the Transhuman Space universe.

More recently, I’ve been blogging and, as one of the Friday Flash Fictioneers, formally declared war on writer’s block. Needless to say, the battle continues.

Right, that’s probably enough about me – let’s get this show on the road!

wh00t! Futurismic makes the cut at PC Magazine’s Top 100

PC Magazine masthead logo

I hope you’ll all excuse us a moment of self-congratulation – the Futurismic team have just discovered that we made made it into PC Magazine’s 100 Favorite Blogs list! Here’s what they had to say about us:

"This forward-thinking blog divides its focus among news and opinions on current cutting-edge science and technology, its impact on culture and people, and extrapolations on how all this will affect our future. Futurismic also features enjoyable "speculative fiction"—sci-fi stories. It’s a feast for those who love to think about the future in all its manifestations."

Well, we do try!

We’re alongside some real heavyweights in that list – sites like BoingBoing and Gawker – and to be included is a great vindication of all the work that goes into making Futurismic what it is. And so, on behalf of the whole team, I’d like to say thanks to the PC Magazine writers – we hope we continue to make the grade, and we’ll even forgive you for accusing us of publishing "sci-fi"! 😉

And to any new readers who’ve arrived here after reading that article, welcome! We hope you like what you find, and we hope you’ll stick around for more.

[tags]Futurismic, favorite, bloggers, PC Magazine[/tags]

Into the Futurismic

Greetings Futurismic readers. My name is Stephen Years and I’m one of the new contributors to the Futurismic blog. I’m a high-tech management professional and entrepreneur in California’s Silicon Valley. My current business endeavor is a start-up company that is focused on energy efficiency in data centers.

As a blogger I’m very interested in the intersection of technology, market-forces and culture – and how each changes and modifies the other in a bizarre, continuous feedback loop. As an example, I’m fascinated how the cost of energy is forcing the market to invest in alternative energy sources – and how those new energy sources, once employed significantly, will impact the geopolitical structure. What cultural forces will be unleashed in a Middle East deprived of its primary source of revenue?

I would like to thank Futurismic for this opportunity and I hope you will find my posts enlightening, entertaining and challenging.