Tag Archives: MMO

Starpirates – browser-based sf MMORPG

We got some email from the owners of StarPirates, a free space-based MMO-type game that you can run in your browser (meaning you can probably play from work or school and not get in trouble, though on your head be it if you do – we don’t need any lawsuits, thanks).

StarPirates logo

Anyway, they’ve offered our readers some additional freebie action. It’s pretty straightforward: if you click on this link here you’ll be entered into the draw automatically after setting up your character. Three people who sign up through that link will get 1000 StarPirates points to build up their Pirate.

They apparently have a pretty strong community with lots of chatter, and you can set up fleets – so if someone wants to setup a Futurismic fleet, drop us a line and we’ll post the details up so other Futurismic readers can join up if they want to.

Did I mention it’s free to play? Enjoy!

World of Warcraft trains your brain

World of Warcraft screenshotTired of specious and unsupported media claims that computer games are ruinous to the minds of children? Well, here’s the exact opposite – a number of studies discussed at the American Psychological Association convention demonstrate that computer games can actually develop problem-solving skills in younger players. [image by PhuSon]

Of course, that’s not really news to anyone from a generation that actually plays video games, rather than feeling intimidated by them. However, it does highlight the potential of games to be developed more deliberately as learning tools… but hey, let’s keep Orson Scott Card off the advisory committee, shall we?

[Tip of the horned battle helm to Guy Humphries via Darren “Orbit” Turpin]

Superstruct: Mundane SF as massively multiplayer online RPG?

apocalyptic city skylineGames can be a great tool for learning and for developing new ideas. Hence the Institute for the Future‘s new “forecasting” game, Superstruct – it’s a roleplaying game acted that will be acted out on blogs and social media platforms from September 2008. Here’s a snippet from the FAQ:

Q: What is Superstruct?

A: Superstruct is the world’s first massively multiplayer forecasting game. By playing the game, you’ll help us chronicle the world of 2019–and imagine how we might solve the problems we’ll face. Because this is about more than just envisioning the future. It’s about making the future, inventing new ways to organize the human race and augment our collective human potential.

Q: What does ‘superstruct’ mean?

Su`per`struct` v. t. 1.To build over or upon another structure; to erect upon a foundation.

Superstructing is what humans do. We build new structures on old structures. We build media on top of language and communication networks. We build communities on top of family structures. We build corporations on top of platforms for manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. Superstructing has allowed us to survive in the past and it will help us survive the super-threats.

Q: How do I play Superstruct?

A: Superstruct is played on forums, blogs, videos, wikis, and other familiar online spaces. We show you the world as it might look in 2019. You show us what it’s like to live there. Bring what you know and who you know, and we’ll all figure out how to make 2019 a world we want to live in.

Via Jamais Cascio, who’s been involved in developing the idea, you can read the full Superstruct press release on the IFTF website.

It’s an interesting idea, and very in line with Futurismic‘s mission, because it’s encouraging people to apply science fictional thinking to a very plausible near-future scenario… and to do so with a purpose, namely inventing a future where we don’t snuff ourselves out as a species. [image by Philipp Klinger]

Are you game for a secret service job?

The British secret service has been suffering from a paucity of computer-savvy employees, and so they’ve turned their recruitment radar in a different direction – they’re advertising inside MMO computer games. But budding Bonds with a Halo jones should take note – they’re looking for signals and decryption types to work at GCHQ, so you won’t be getting your Walther PPK any time soon.

[tags]recruitment, secret service, MMO, games[/tags]

Multi-user Google Earth with avatars – this is Unype

Much as I love Second Life, I’m not so infatuated that I can’t see that Linden Lab are wide open to someone overtaking them with a smaller, lower-spec application with a similar feature set. And while it’s still in Beta (isn’t everything these days?), Unype’s ability to use your Skype account and Google Earth to create a multi-user avatar populated virtual world looks like it has the potential to become a serious contender. Granted, it doesn’t have SL’s content creation features or the bells and whistles … but the lower barriers for entry may render that irrelevant. [Clickable Culture]